Patient Case Study after advanced cervical cancer Treatment

In this case study video, Dr. Mandeep Singh Malhotra (Director-Head Neck & Breast Oncoplasty, CK Birla Hospital, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi) wants to share a case story about advanced cervical cancer with all of you, which was an amazing experience for the entire treating team.

This story revolves around a young girl in her 30s who is battling advanced cervical cancer. But, She was not willing to chemo radiation.

Obviously Because she was recently married, she thought of looking at other treatment options.

She had been all around the world, got treated in multiple forms, and had multiple forms of immunotherapy as well, but the response was not great.

And when she came to us, we thought of exploring the treatment options in a more scientific way.

So we got the tumour viability and transcriptomic analysis through circulating tumour cells (CTCs) through RGCC labs to understand what is the best form of treatment that will work for her.

Important Points

✔ So it was a large tumour around (6 to 7 cm), and also the lymph nodes were positive. And then in the analysis we found that there were certain forms of cytotoxic drugs that were active.

✔ There was a targeted medicine that was really, really active.

✔ The role of checkpoint inhibitors was not that much or absolutely not there.

✔ And also we found that the genes that are MDR and MRP, that is, the genes of cancer resistance, are really very high.

✔ And we also analysed all the other pathways that were there.

👉 So we mapped the pathways with the repurposed medicines and nutraceuticals, and then we made a protocol in which we gave cytotoxic therapy, and during cytotoxic therapy we gave the pro-oxidant form of supportive medicines, and after the beta half-life we gave the antioxidant form of supportive medicines and nutraceuticals.

And to our amazement, within 4 weeks the tumour response was as great as 60% of the tumour had gone, and the lymph nodes had gone.

After Successful Cervical Cancer Treatment

👉 So we completed the next six weeks.

Now the patient is back in her parent country, and we’ve given her protocol, and we are expecting that she completes a systemic treatment and goes for a definitive treatment in the form in which it would be a limited surgery in which her ovaries would definitely be preserved, and we hope that even the uterus is preserved.

We wishing her great luck and sharing an amazing experience with all of you.

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